Wednesday, July 25, 2018

News on "Overpowered" (Stormbird Cycle)

Fleeing a terrible crime, Taliyah bat Shammai makes her way toward a city of refuge.  Yet can even a band of seven outlaws protect her from the Avenger of Blood? 

I'm excited to announce that my new novella, "Overpowered," will be releasing in October!  I've been working on this story for a while, first for the Five Poisoned Apples contest, then with my wonderful beta readers.  Set in the same fantasy version of the ancient Near East as my previous story "Guardian of Our Beauty," "Overpowered" deals not with Syrian kings and pirate invasions but with Israelite criminals and forgotten wars.  Think "Snow White meets the Book of Judges."

Cool updates, including the cover reveal, coming soon! 

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