Monday, June 3, 2019

Story Research

I won't be posting for a while...  I'll be off doing "story research" in far off places.  I'm hoping to have some good pictures to share when I come back!

For now, here are some pics from a previous trip!

The Islamic fortress of Nimrud, a vast and labyrinthine place.  I sprained an ankle here.  (Worth it.)

A view toward the northern edge of the Sea of Galilee.  The dark stuff right around the lake is a banana plantation, if I remember correctly.

The ancient Canaanite city gate at Tel Dan (from when it was known as Laish).  Since it's mud brick, they put a cover over it to keep it from melting in the rain!

The hill of Gamla, so-called because it's shaped like a camel's hump.  We went down some very stepp rock stairs into the valley, then climbed up to the Roman-period tower you can just see at the top of the hill.


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