Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pruner-of-Vines Brings Home a Pet: An Overpowered Flashback

This month I've been working madly on Overpowered-related stories, including a sequel ("Revealer of Hidden Things," a Snow Queen/East of the Moon West of the Sun fairy tale) and several short pieces giving backstory for my favorite characters.

This snippet is from the backstory of Fig, one of my favorite "dwarves."  Additional parts will appear as I write them.

Image result for hyrax

Pruner-of-Vines sat under the bramble and looked at the creature.  It was not very big for one of the dmutot-el, though it was bigger than the cubs he sometimes found crying alone in the bushes.  Its skin was pale and bare, not like the skin of a Proper Person, and the fur on its head was black and straight.  It wore a cloth around its waist.  Pruner didn’t know why.  Most of the dmutot-el seemed to wear them; perhaps they were ashamed because they hadn’t any tails.

            Pruner thought that the dmutot-el were quite interesting to watch, although the lone cubs worried him.  He always went and fetched Digger-of-Side-Passages when he found a cub; she knew what to do about them.  He was afraid that if he went up to one he would find that it was dead; that had happened to him once when he was young.

            This one was much larger and obviously not dead, but it was crying, though its cries were little nearly-silent sobs rather than the angry wails of some of the cubs-in-the-bushes.  It crouched among the fragments of its large water-carrying thing and trembled like a long-tailed mouse.  Pruner could see a red mark on its bare back where something had hurt it.

            Dirt and mist, Pruner thought.  He couldn’t just sit here and watch it crying.

            He crept out from under the bramble, leaving only a few strands of brown hair behind. He waddled toward the creature, and plopped down beside it.  He chirred at it soothingly.  “Fine weather we’re having, thus?  Of course it is Dry, but it’s supposed to be Dry at this time of the year.”

            It opened its eyes wide at him and wrapped its arms tightly around its knees, but didn’t run away.  That’s a meat-eating species for you, thought Pruner.  No fear.  “Soon it will be Wet,” he went on.  “I don’t like the Wet.  Things grow in my fur.”

            It chirred back at him, a meaningless trill of sound.  Then it spoke in the language of the dmutot-el.  “Shapan tob—shapan kheleb.  Lamah lo bekhorka?”

            Pruner squinted at it.  He knew a little of the creatures’ language.  Something about a hole…  It wanted to know why he wasn’t in his hole.

            “Yesh leka ra?  Ha’ata kholeh?”  Are you hurt?  Are you sick?

            Pruner chirped softly to himself, then assembled a sentence in the language of the dmutot-el.  “No, I not sick!”

            The creature’s eyes got even wider.

            “You sad!  Why?” asked Pruner, the strange sounds making his throat ache.

            It looked down at the smashed water-carrying thing again.  “I broke it, and now my master will yipqod me,” it explained.

            Pruner wasn’t sure about that word yipqod.  Visit?  That didn’t seem right.  Clearly it was something bad.  “Poor small thing,” he crooned, patting its leg with his paw.  He kept his digging claws away from its bare skin.  He thought for a moment.  When Digger-of-Side-Passages came to collect the little cubs, she always brought them back to the Burrows, where they would be warm and safe.  “Come live in hole?”

            The creature stroked the fur on his back.  It felt nice, and it seemed to comfort the creature to do it.  “I’m too big for your hole.”

            Pruner huffed.  He wasn’t so very small himself; he was fatter than almost all of his brothers and sisters.  

            He stuck out his stomach proudly.  He was certainly fatter than the creature was!  He was sure that it would fit.  “Come!  Big hole!”

            It looked hopeful for a moment, then gave a little shiver.  “But Master Zichri would come looking for me, and then he might hurt you, shapan.”

            Shapan.  Hyrax?  Pruner puffed up indignantly.  “I not hyrax!” he squeaked.  “I pazir!  I not afraid of dmutot-el.  They do not come in dirt.  They do not come in mist.”

            Pazir?”  The small creature seemed to find that very interesting.  “Like in the stories?”
            “Thus, thus,” Pruner agreed.  “Many stories about pazir.  Come to hole?”

            “Thus.”  It chortled a little under its breath.  Pruner was glad it was not crying anymore.

            “Come, then!  Come!”  He rolled to his feet and scurried toward the brambles, with the creature following obediently behind him.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Overpowered: the Villain and the Heroine

As part of the book-listing and -advertising process, I've been working on my long (150-300 word) blurbs for Overpowered, and I have to say...

writing experience 

It took me much longer to write each of my blurbs than to write a similar amount of the actual story, and none of them were even close to the 300-word goal.  (Do you guys know of any good blurb-writing guides or tips?  Post them below.  Seriously.  I would be VERY grateful.)

Ultimately, the Magic Mirrors crew and I picked the best of the blurbs for my paperback, and I ended up using yet another in the book descriptions on Amazon and Smashwords.  But that left several blurbs now relegated to blurb limbo.  I agree that they're not as blurb-like as the others, since they're constructed of story quotes.  Still, I thought y'all might enjoy them... and through them, enjoy meeting my villain and my heroine.

Enter the Avenger

The Avenger of Blood reached Refuge as the sun began to sink. He strode at a steady pace, walking neither slower nor faster as he crested the long slope. The gatekeeper watched him come; yet though the keeper looked intently at his face, he could not tell whether the man was old or young.

“Do you come for refuge, or do you seek a fugitive?” asked the gatekeeper.

“I come seeking.” The voice of the man told the gatekeeper nothing at all. Almost he felt that he knew less about the man, having heard him speak, than he had known before. 

“Whom do you seek, and for what crime?” 

The Avenger of Blood met the gatekeeper’s gaze with eyes that glittered. “I seek a murderess. She might have reached here three days ago.” 

“None such have begged sanctuary at the gate, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t here.” Come in were the words the doorkeeper should say next. He eyed the turbaned man. Many angry men came to this gate; he was used to their threatened violence. Yet there was trouble in the city of the Dawn, strange murmurs, hushed muttering in the streets. The doorkeeper did not relish the thought of bringing yet another man bent on bloodshed into his city. 

The Avenger’s face was calm. He seemed well-rested, not like the fugitives who came, half-starved and desperate, or like the men who pursued them, sleepless and broken-hearted. This man did not seem especially angry, yet there was something dark in his gaze. 

“Come in,” the doorkeeper said at last. The Avenger inclined his head and passed through the gate, leaving the bloody sunset behind him.

Hence the Heroine

Taliyah fled through the dark, stumbling over the rocks at the bottom of the wadi. As she went she wiped her hands on her skirt, but she did not look down to see if they were clean. She was sure that they were not.

Somewhere nearby the curlew cried, mourning for the lost sun. Its call sounded like words to the shivering girl. Too late for you! Too late for you!

It was too late. With a broken potsherd she had killed her cousin, and she had killed Taliyah bat Shammai in the same moment—a death not as swift, but just as sure.

Having chosen to run, she must keep going. The Avenger would be coming.

She shuddered. After her uncle had died, of course her father had to provide for his widow; but why had her uncle ever married into such a family? If he had not done so, her cousin would never have been born. Far better if he had never seen the light of the sun!

She recognized the thought almost before she had finished it, and cried Overpowerer, forgive— before she knew what she was doing. But then she cut off that thought as well, turning her back to the sun that she need not see it blazing at her like an angry eye.

Surely the Overpowerer would scorn her prayers now.

She was a blood criminal, a murderer.  What refuge was there for her?